Skinwrapper by Stephen Kozeniewski is a short tale about survival out in space. It’s a tale that plunges you right into the action without any delay and doesn’t let up. This novella is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat!
I picked up Skinwrapper after reading Esther’s review over on BiteIntoBooks. Click here to check that out!
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Skinwrapper by Stephen Kozeniewski

Holy cow… So. When the tale begins, we see a teenage girl talking with her two moms. Suddenly, there’s a pop. At first, it seems like there may have been an accident, but when the teenager calls it in, she learns that their biggest fear is happening. Skinwrappers are on the ship.
From there, it’s an all out mission for survival. But can our main character go undetected? Or will she be torn apart like anyone else that crosses paths with the intruders?
MY GOODNESS. This book started with just an everyday kind of conversation, and then boom! Suddenly we’re right in the middle of the suspense and terror!
You really felt for the main character and wanted her to survive! I loved that we saw everything from her perspective and heard all of her internal thoughts. It was really interesting to see her thoughts of panic, her thoughts to try to combat that panic, as well as a voice in her head that was guiding her which seemed to be from her friend, who was light years away.
Our main characters fear of enclosed spaces when she ended up in one really got me sweating! What a scene that was!
I loved that this book gave you just enough information to understand the main characters fears, but you still didn’t really know what was going on fully. We did learn small bits of information here and there as the story progressed, but I don’t think I ever fully understood the grand scope of things. I have so many questions! Why are they in space? What is the ship like? What is their overall world like?!
BUT. Not fully understanding made this one even more intriguing and more creepy to me.
My Favorite Passage from Skinwrapper
There’s shouting in the background. An then I hear it. That one, profane, almost taboo word that can strike a chill in the heart of even the saltiest ink surfer alive.
My Final Thoughts on Skinwrapper
I would definitely recommend picking this one up! It’s a quick read. It’s so suspenseful and filled with body horror. If those things are up your alley, you will love this!
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Thanks for reading!
And thanks again for the recommendation, Esther!
I might check this one out as it’s a novella. It might be just what I need for my short attention span!
Karen @ For What It’s Worth
I don’t know how you read these books! The covers alone will likely give me nightmares, haha. At least they make you happy. 😉
Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 😷💬
<3 <3 I know! It's so odd... especially for someone with as much anxiety as I have! haha
I love that you picked it up! It was so good… I really was attached to the main character and wanted her to survive…
And that ENDING! Hmmm yassss.
<3 <3 SAME! Ugh!! This is one I'll definitely be re-reading!!