One of the first books that I read as an honest review for this blog was Even Halos Can Be Crooked. I really enjoyed that read and quickly followed L. M. Schukraft on social media to stay informed about her latest releases. Recently, when I saw the roll call for ARC readers for her latest book titled…
[Book Review] Locked Out by L. M. Schukraft
[Book Blogger Hop] What I Read During The Holidays
Book Blogger Hop Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer, where you answer a question and join a “hop”. The purpose is to help bloggers discover and get to know one another. For this week’s question, Maria @ A Night’s Dream of Books asks: If you celebrate Christmas, do you feel the…
[Graphic Novel Review] The Stonekeeper’s Curse (Amulet #2) by Kazu Kibuishi
The Stonekeeper’s Curse by Kazu Kibuishi is the second book in the Amulet series. Just like the first book, I absolutely loved this one! Click here if you missed my review of Amulet #1: The Stonekeeper. Let’s dive in!
[Book Review] I Work at a Public Library by Gina Sheridan
In the introduction of this book, the author writes: “I Work at a Public Library is for anyone who enjoys the absurdity and humanity of everyday life.” This absolutely nails it. Some stories made me chuckle, some made me cringe. Some were heartwarming, some were infuriating. This book is certainly takes you on a ride!
[Top 10 Tuesday] Ten Bookish Settings I Would Love To Visit
Top 10 Tuesday is created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s prompt is: Top Ten Bookish Settings I Would Love To Visit. Gosh, I had such a hard time narrowing this one down! Let’s dive in! Ten Bookish Settings I Would Love To Visit Hogsmeade (Harry Potter Series) Bagend (Lord of the Rings Series)…
[Short Story Review] Midnight Blade by T.L. Branson
Midnight Blade by T.L. Branson is another short story that is inspired by the world and characters of the upcoming release of the first book in the Soul Stones series, Soul Render. I had previously read Ash and Steel, another short story in this world, and absolutely loved it. When Mr. Branson reached out to…