Top 10 Tuesday is created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s prompt is: Top Ten Books On My Winter TBR. Let’s dive in! Top Ten Books On My Winter TBR December: 1. President’s Day by Seth Margolis 2. Pride and Prejudice And Mistletoe by Melissa De La Cruz 3. Christmas Cookie Murder by…
[Top 10 Tuesday] Top Ten Books On My Winter TBR
[Book Review] 20th Century Ghosts by Joe Hill
20th Century Ghosts by Joe Hill is an awesome short story collection that has a little something for everyone! The stories range from sweet and heartfelt, to horrifying and unsettling. To top it all off, many of the stories have paranormal elements woven into them. Let’s dive in!
3 Bookish Trees At The Festival Of Trees
On November 24th, while visiting my dad and his girlfriend, Alex and I had the opportunity to check out The Festival of Trees in Bangor, Maine. We had never heard of an event like this so we were blown away when we got there! There were so many trees! Each had their own theme; prom,…
[Book Blogger Hop] Entering A Bookstore Vs. Entering A Department Store
Book Blogger Hop Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer, where you answer a question and join a “hop”. The purpose is to help bloggers discover and get to know one another. For this week’s question, Maria @ A Night’s Dream of Books asks: What’s your immediate feeling when entering a…
[Top 5 Wednesday] Five Books I Am Thankful For
Top Five Wednesday is hosted by Thoughts on Tomes. For those of you that are interested in taking part, check out the Goodreads group here: Top 5 Wednesday. This week’s prompt: November 22nd: Books You’re Thankful For –For whatever reason, big or small. Let’s dive in! Five Books I Am Thankful For 5) Revenants, The Odyssey Home by Scott…
[Graphic Novel Review] The Stonekeeper (Amulet #1) by Kazu Kibuishi
The Stonekeeper by Kazu Kibuishi is an absolutely adorable graphic novel. I loved the artwork so much, and the storyline was so intriguing. I cannot wait to get my hands on book two! Let’s dive in!