Switched by R.L. Stine is a very intense story about two teenage girls. I found it a bit overly dramatic, but totally captivating! I just love R.L. Stine’s work! This is a book that would be great for a readathon! I read it in about an hour.
[Book Review] Switched by R.L. Stine
[Book Blogger Hop] Favorite Scary Movie
Book Blogger Hop: Halloween Edition! Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer, where you answer a question and join a “hop”. The purpose is to help bloggers discover and get to know one another. For this week’s question, Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer asks: Off the book topic – What is your…
[Book Review] When I Am Through With You by Stephanie Kuehn
When I Am Through With You by Stephanie Kuehn is a suspenseful story about a group of high schoolers that take a camping trip that will change them forever. This is a story that really makes you think both as you are reading, and long after turning the last page. Stephanie Kuehn is definitely an…
[Top 5 Wednesday] 5 Books That Feature Zombies
Top Five Wednesday is hosted by Thoughts on Tomes. For those of you that are interested in taking part, check out the Goodreads group here: Top 5 Wednesday. This week’s prompt: October 18th: [paranormal creature of your choice] –Here is the previously mentioned paranormal creature topic. This topic will revolve around one type of paranormal creature of your…
[Graphic Novel Review] Wytches Vol 1
Wytches Volume 1 is an absolutely stunning and wonderfully written graphic novel about a family and the darkness that won’t leave them alone. I loved every second of this read. If you’re into darker, spooky, graphic novels, you’re going to love this!
[Book Review] Little Monsters by Kara Thomas
I absolutely loved The Darkest Corners, so when I saw that Kara Thomas had a new book, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it! This book did not disappoint. Little Monsters by Kara Thomas is an awesome young adult mystery/thriller with dark elements of deception, manipulation, distrust, and jealousy, but also upbeat elements…