I used to have no problem lending out my books! But that was back in middle school and high school when the vast majority of my book budget came from my parents (thanks guys!). Today, because I pay for all my own books, I’m much more hesitant. I have also had really bad luck letting…
[Bookish Discussion] 5 Reasons Why I Won’t Lend Out Books
[Top 10 Tuesday] Ten Books That Should Be Required Reading for Middle/High Schoolers
Top 10 Tuesday is created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s prompt is: Back To School Freebie. So I will be writing about ten books that I think should be required reading in middle school or high school. Enjoy! Ten Books That Should Be Required Reading for Middle/High Schoolers A List of Cages by…
Discussion of the Film Adaptation of Fahrenheit 451 (1966)
Fahrenheit 451 is one of my favorite classics! When I realized that I hadn’t yet seen the 1966 film, I immediately requested it from Netflix. Feel free to click the corresponding links if you missed my reviews for the novel or the graphic novel. NOTE: THERE WILL BE SPOILERS. So if you haven’t watched the…
[Book Blogger Hop] Walking Into An Unfamiliar House
Book Blogger Hop Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer, where you answer a question and join a “hop”. The purpose is to help bloggers discover and get to know one another. For this week’s question, Maria @ A Night’s Dream of Books asks: When you enter an unfamiliar house or…
[FLYTIP] Ten Of My Favorite Book Photos
Welcome to another FLYTIP post! FLYTIP is an original feature hosted by FLYLēF. The purpose is to share blog design graphics and advice, as well as encourage related discussions. The topic for Saturday, August 19th is: FLYTIP: Bookstagrams || Share 5-10 of your favorite book photographs. Please join even if you don’t have an Instagram…
[Book Review] You’ll Never Know, Dear by Hallie Ephron
You’ll Never Know, Dear is a great mystery with lots of very tense suspense! I cruised right through this one because I needed to know how things turned out! Let’s dive in!