Top Five Wednesday is hosted by Thoughts on Tomes. For those of you that are interested in taking part, check out the Goodreads group here: Top 5 Wednesday. This week’s prompt: May 17th: Summer Reads –The weather is heating up (for half of the world), so what books remind you of summer and are your quintessential summer reads? …
[Top 5 Wednesday] Summer Reads
[Top 10 Tuesday] Book Recommendations From My Mom
Top 10 Tuesday is created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This weeks prompt is: Mother’s Day related Freebie: favorite moms in literature, books about motherhood, best mother/daughter or son relationships, books to buy your mom, worst moms in literature, etc. My mom has always been really great about my reading. I grew up…
[Book Review] Undying by Corina Bishop
Holy cow! The storyline of this book was so captivating! I definitely had some Divergent feels going on here, but to compare it fully to that trilogy would be incredibly unfair. I felt that this book was darker, much more suspenseful, and honestly… more memorable! Full disclosure: I was given a free copy of this…
[Book Review] Ararat by Christopher Golden
This book was a fun read! I loved the horror vibe and the splashes of violence always totally caught me off guard. Let’s dive in!
[Book Review] Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
Stephen King perfectly summed up Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty when he said that it’s, “A hell of a book. Funny and scary.“ I picked this book up to take on a trip to the Midwest. It was definitely the perfect book to distract me from the fact that we were in an airplane!…
[Graphic Novel Review] The March Trilogy by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin & Nate Powell
Oh my goodness. This trilogy is definitely a must read for all. If you haven’t read it yet, I urge you to go pick it up today. This graphic novel was written by Congressman John Lewis, a key figure of the of the civil rights movement, and Andrew Aydin. And the artwork illustrated by Nate Powell is…