The Ghost Writers Podcast is a show that you need to check out right away if you enjoy all things horror, like to laugh, and love learning.
For writers especially, get your notebooks and pens ready! You’re going to walk away with a lot of notes.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on The Ghost Writers Podcast
When The Horror Show with Brian Keene came to an end, I understood completely, but I was still so sad. It wasn’t just that I was going to miss their content in general, I was going to miss hearing everyone’s voices.
But then when it was announced that some of the crew would be back on a new show, I was pumped! On The Ghost Writers Podcast, we have Mary SanGiovanni, Dave Thomas, and Matt Wildasin from the original group, but they also added Somer Canon, who I absolutely adore!
With such amazing people, I knew I would love this show. Right from the first episode, I was hooked and knew I would eagerly await future episodes.
The crew has a wonderful format where they chat about a few things before diving into the meat of the episode. While chatting they go over the movies they have been watching, things that are going on in their lives, and much more.
For the episodes that are out so far, they have discussed:
- Imposter syndrome
- Beta readers
- Handling bad reviews
- Reaching new readers
- Submitting to publishers
- Contracts and contract red flags
- Co-writing books together
- Creating online personas
They have also had a “book club” episode where they discussed The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King. This is one of my favorite books, so I was excited to hear their thoughts. It’s definitely time for a re-read of this one for me! Hopefully it hasn’t lost it’s magic now that I am older. It’s been quite a while since I last read it.
One of my favorite things about listening to this show is how much I laugh! On episode two, “Imposter Syndrome,” for just one example, I laughed SO hard when the hosts talked about how clumsy they are. I’m the same way and was just complaining to my husband about it because so far in 2021, my clumsiness has hit an all time high! I kicked off the new year breaking a toe by accidentally stubbing it on the coffee table, fell HARD in our driveway while shoveling, and managed to get various bruises, cuts and scratches from lord only knows where…
I may not have dipped into writing myself yet, but as a book blogger I learned a lot on episode three, “Beta Readers,” about beta reading and took away some advice in order to tweak my process a bit!
On episode ten, “All Dick No Money Shot,” I absolutely loved that they brought in Wesley Southard for a discussion! I really enjoyed learning more about his process with co-writing, especially as he and Somer had partnered up to write the awesome Slaves to Gravity! The behind the scenes of how this book was created was really fun to learn more about. I also really love the friendship that these two have and how it comes through from this episode. They are both so supportive of one another and that’s so wonderful to see! I would love to see these two partner up on more works in the future.
Episode twelve, “Women in Horror Month,” is a must listen for all.
And of course, I have to touch on the intro which was created by Dave. On episode one, he mentioned that there’s a really eerie bit in the intro that was inspired by the noise his cat created when laying on his keyboard. I’m obsessed. This intro is certainly very creepy! It gives me a bit of a It Follows soundtrack vibe!
If you begin listening to this one, I recommend starting from the beginning so you will understand a lot of the jokes that come up time and time again that are plays off of things they had said on previous shows.
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Can you help?
There is a GoFundMe set up for Dave that you can use to donate to help him with his medical bills. <3 Click here to learn more and donate.
Happy Women In Horror Month!
In honor of WiHM, I wanted to give a special shout-out to Mary SanGiovanni and Somer Canon. Both of these women are incredible writers. If you haven’t read any of their works yet, I highly recommend fixing that asap!
I am not a podcast person personally, but my sister is and I might have to recommend this one to her because it sounds like the kind of content she’d like – and important content for writers alike!