Red Sky Morning by Jessica Raney is a tale of the seas and a desperate hunger that one being will do anything to satiate.
Let’s dive in to my quick review!
My Thoughts on Red Sky Morning by Jessica Raney –
Grieving over being dismissed by his love’s father when asking for her hand, this man has no job and nothing left to lose. Signing up for work aboard a ship that looks shockingly new, he tries to push the red flags away as they set sail.
Let’s just say, that in today’s edition of what-in-the-world-did-I-just-read… This was a journey! I mean, my goodness, this took such a wild turn!
The description of the red filth… *shudders*
My Favorite Passage from Red Sky Morning –
On land he never seems to find his footing but on a deck, he felt grounded and part of the ship.
My Final Thoughts on Red Sky Morning –
Horror fans who enjoy quick punches of terror sprinkled with a little sexual content will love this one!
Thanks for reading!
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