I read this book for the first time back in April of 2016. When it was picked for my book club, I couldn’t wait to give it another read! I checked the book out from the library, but unfortunately I just didn’t have the time to pick it up… Two days before we were scheduled…
[Audiobook Review] Room by Emma Donoghue
[Book Review] The Summer the World Ended by Matthew S. Cox
The Summer the World Ended by Matthew S. Cox… oh my goodness. What a rollercoaster! This is another book where I just want to shout, “GO READ THIS!” This book has heartbreak, quite a bit of terror, and a whole lot of heart. Full disclosure: I was given a free copy of this book by…
[Book Review] Hug Chickenpenny: The Panegyric of an Anomalous Child by S. Craig Zahler
Hug Chickenpenny: The Panegyric of an Anomalous Child by S. Craig Zahler is a wonderfully bizarre but heartbreaking tale filled to the brim with symbolism. This is one that you should not read alone! Trust me. You’re going to want to talk about it! I’m so glad that this was the book pick for my…