Eek! It’s almost my favorite month! I cannot wait to dive into my TBR pile that I’ve been setting aside for this month. Per usual, there are also a few books that will be making an appearance on that stack as soon as I can get my hands on them! Please note: This post contains…
Upcoming Book Releases
2 October 2020 Book Releases I Can’t Wait To Read
5 September 2020 Book Releases I Can’t Wait To Read
RIP to my wallet this month! There are five books this month that I want to dive into as soon as possible! Please note: This post contains affiliate links for By clicking the links and ordering the books, you can help support a local indie bookshop! By using this link, I will get a…
1 August Book Release I Can’t Wait To Read
In August, there is one main book that I am excited to get my hands on! I preordered from the publisher as soon as I could and have been counting down the days since then! Let’s dive in!
2 July Book Releases I Can’t Wait To Read
The books I am most looking forward to in July are books that I’ve been waiting for since first hearing about their releases. Note: This post no longer features Amazon affiliate links. While I greatly appreciate the support from you all in the past, now more than ever, we need to help support our independent…
2 June Book Releases I Can’t Wait To Read
Eeee! What a month June is looking to be with new releases, even if the word is still in a shaky place with COVID-19. I already have these two books preordered and I cannot wait until they arrive! Note: This post no longer features Amazon affiliate links. While I greatly appreciate the support from you…
3 May Book Releases I Can’t Wait To Read
I am SO excited about these three books that are launching in May. Two I have had my eye on for some time, and one I just recently heard about. Note: This post no longer features Amazon affiliate links. While I greatly appreciate the support from you all in the past, now more than ever,…