Tales from the Southern Fried Crypt by Ronald Kelly is a collection of stories that will give you the creeps! Whether it’s from thinking about plate-sized ticks or being hunted by an alligator, this collection is pure nightmare fuel.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Tales from the Southern Fried Crypt by Ronald Kelly
My gosh, this collection is so darn good. I loved how each one stands on its own, but also that there are some wonderful tie-ins here and there that connect many of them. Each tale is one that is so easy to fall right into!
Per usual, here are my thoughts on each tale!
Beneath Black Bayou –
Reuben heads into the swamp in search of a brother he doesn’t expect to find alive. He knows the dangers, so he isn’t too surprised to find himself facing death as well. But he’s determined to stand his ground.
What a tale to begin the collection! The thought of being stuck in this underwater cavern was absolutely terrifying! While reading, you can just about hear the echoes of the water on the surrounding walls.
Oh, Sordid Shame! –
A dying man states that he needs to purge his soul before diving into a tale of his journey from enslavement to a better life, at least until he starts to see the cracks in the picture-perfect life.
These poor families! They both deserved so much better.
The Web of La Sanguinaire –
Out on a quest at night to find a rare spider, this rich man scoffs at the tales his guide shared with him. His guide helps him find the spiders he seeks, but he also plans to show him spiders he didn’t ask to see.
I first read this tale in The Web of La Sanguinaire collection and it was just as eerie the second time around! Man, I hate spiders!
N’awlins Haunted Crypt Tour –
Determined not to be run out of business by another tour organizer, this man goes to a voodoo shop for help. His plan works, but he doesn’t know who he messed with.
This was such a great tale of jealousy and desperation! Both of their tours sounded like so much fun! Bummer that they couldn’t work things out.
Suckers! –
When people start showing up dead, looking like all of their blood was sucked out of them, this deputy knows exactly who to go talk to…
This story captures so many awful creatures that will make your skin crawl! This tale would be such a killer creep show feature! But one I would dread watching! Gosh, the ticks…
Saturday Night at Mee-Maw’s –
Every Saturday night, people came from all over to get some of Mee-Maw Doucet’s cooking. But this Saturday is about to be the last night.
Phew, this tale packs so much into it! You’ll be rooting for Mee-Maw to do what needs to be done.
Cat Daddy Fever –
Convinced she will be able to find the legendary creature out in the bayou, this young girl convinces her friends to go with her at night to search. But will they find the creature or will they be the next to go missing after trying?
This was such a tense tale with lovely little bursts of young love and determination.
Mojo Mama –
Fed up with the curses that these siblings have had to endure thanks to the sins of their parents, one man goes to Mojo Mama to demand she release them from the torment. Little does he know, the torment is just beginning.
This poor family! I’m not sure which curse was the worst! Each time we learned of a new one, I cringed.
The Final Feature –
Rushed to find a film to put on for the second feature at a drive-in, this man chooses one he wasn’t sure about. As it starts to play, things quickly take a dark turn and the viewers demand it get turned off.
What a wild tale! It was a blast to see who would try to run away from the screen next!
Embrace –
Desperate for a pit stop on their way back home after being sent on a detour, this family is thrilled to see a spot coming up. When the little girl hears a cat, she is told she can go outside but must stay on the porch. Of course, she doesn’t listen.
A classic tale of letting your curiosity get the best of you! This took an absolutely terrifying turn!
My Favorite Passage from Tales from the Southern Fried Crypt
His heart played a symphony of dread as he felt himself sinking. A crushing pain gripped his lower body as an eighteen-foot demon began to haul him to the very depths of hell.
But, unlike the hell of his upbringing, it was not one of fire and brimstone. This hell was a decidedly liquid one, as cold and black as the womb of a dead woman.
— Beneath Black Bayou
My Final Thoughts on Tales from the Southern Fried Crypt
I had an absolute blast reading these tales.
Even if I can never forgive Mr. Kelly for putting the image of huge ticks in my brain… this is a collection I would recommend to all horror fans, but especially the ones that enjoy creature features!
Thanks for reading!
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