Twisting Parallels by Steve L. Clark is a beautifully written, horror-filled collection of stories with such a great range. Steve’s writing style is sure to leave you chilled as the tales continue to haunt you long after you first experience them.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Twisting Parallels by Steve L. Clark –
It’s impossible for me to choose a favorite as I just loved them all for various reasons! This is a collection that is just too good. So let’s just jump to the stories!
Per usual, here are my thoughts on each.
Short Story Love –
Such a fun introduction where Steven chats about the short story. This is so spot on for how I feel about short story collections!
This passage is just perfect:
I think of short story collections like I do a new album of music. Whereas a novel or novella compares to a movie, a collection is like an album; it can have different tones, highs and lows, and different songs might connect with people in different ways.
Bobo’s Wicked Circus –
Desperately trying to convince her friends to go to the fair so they can check out an attraction called Bobo’s Wicked Circus, the friends slowly all reconsider the visit once they arrive at the fair. Realizing they can’t let their friend go in alone, they rush to try to protect her.
Ah! Carnival horror is some of my favorite horror! I’m so with Janelle here! I’ll pass on the clown attractions. Especially once I saw the sloppy and terrifying clown before night even fell.
37 Rooms –
Waking up in a hospital with very little memory, this man is informed that he was in a car accident. But was his past something he really wanted to rediscover?
Still being semi-fresh from a hospital stay, this one gave me goosebumps! The line about the blood pressure cuff had me laughing, but also anxious. How many times have I thought that same thing?! Especially when the blood pressure cuff is in the same arm as the IV. Ugh. I loved that this tale made me feel bad for this man.
Crawlspace –
Sent in a plumbing job, these two find something in the crawlspace that isn’t just a burst pipe…
The claustrophobia this one induces! No, thank you! These two men are incredible for doing what they do.
An Angel in the Dark –
As a set of distress calls finally make their way back to Earth, we learn about a crew that had been traveling through wormholes to find planets that were habitable. But one day, something goes wrong that leaves one man left alive and he’s determined to find out what happened.
The anxiety this one gave me! To wake up and find everyone gone is a terrifying premise no matter the location… but this deep in space with no help or any chance of contact?! Absolutely terrifying!
I Buy Old Marbles –
While driving around the quiet roads, these young men see a sign for marbles. As they had been drinking, the only logical thing for them to do was to go to a store to buy marbles, make them look old, and go back. But like most drunken plans, this one goes sideways.
This is such an unsettling tale overall! It starts off upbeat before taking a very dark turn that only gets darker! I felt so bad for everyone involved!
Zero Tolerance –
After reporting an incident to HR, this employee is shocked by what happens next.
Anyone who has ever had to go to HR to report something will be hit hard with this one. The anxiety of repercussions even when you know you’re doing the right thing is brutal. This tale takes that to the extreme!
Scavenger Hunt –
A short and terrifying punch of a tale about kids that go missing while at camp.
Oh gosh, I have a five-week-old, and tales about kids already hit too hard. This one got under my skin.
The Last Stand of Winston Thomas –
Arriving home in a rush, the man tells his wife what happened at the mine.
A classic case of letting your curiosity get the better of you! I loved the focus on family, bravery, and sacrifice. What a terrifying and heartbreaking tale!
Final Photos –
Visiting a lab on a class trip, the students are told they’re in for a treat as photos should be arriving from a satellite sent to Mars. But what comes up on the screen isn’t what was expected and it shocks everyone in the room.
Space horror at its finest! This one had me on the edge of my seat, so anxious to see what was going to happen. Ugh, that ending!
The Cemetery Mile –
Preparing to walk her mile around the cemetery, this woman runs into two friends. Rather than it being an exciting meetup, she gets defensive immediately and it’s not until the very end that we learn why.
Oh my gosh, this poor woman. What a premise! Every time I leave my house I pass a big cemetery that many people walk in. No matter the time of day, I’ll think of this tale when I pass by now!
The Wedding Gift –
After a busy but perfect wedding day, this couple retreated to a cabin before heading out on their honeymoon the next day. But their night is about to be interrupted by one last gift…
This one had a quick and fun suspense element that made me so nervous for the couple! What a fun story arc!
Miles Before We Sleep –
Switching off to help their daughter when she sleepwalks, this man is disturbed by the dream his daughter later tells him she had.
New fear unlocked… I used to sleepwalk as a kid too so this one had me so nervous! This poor father!
Roses For No Reason –
After the death of their wife, this character finds themselves with a gift that has sent them spiraling into grief.
Gut-punch horror at its finest. As a reader, you’ll really feel the despair and deep love here. That ending…. Phew.
My Favorite Passages from Twisting Parallels –
I think of short story collections like I do a new album of music. Whereas a novel or novella compares to a movie, a collection is like an album; it can have different tones, highs and lows, and different songs might connect with people in different ways.
– Short Story Love
She strapped a blood pressure cuff onto his arm. It hummed to life and constricted. He scrunched his face as the pressure built until he was sure the thing had malfunctioned, and his arm would simply fall off. A panicked cry filled his chest, but the motor stopped and the cuff hissed, releasing the pressure.
– 37 Rooms
“It’s me, you blind old bat!” shouted the woman.
Phyllis chuckled, recognizing the voice immediately. “Sticks and stones will break my bones, Connie.”
“Yeah, they will because you’ll never see them coming!”
– The Cemetery Mile
They fell into a silence interrupted only by the soft crackling of the fire.
– The Wedding Gift
My hand tenses and squeezes the bundle of roses. There are thorns, and the death of the flower has done little to lessen the sting of their bite. Blood seeps between my clenched fingers and drips onto the floor.
– Roses for No Reason
My Final Thoughts on Twisting Parallels –
Horror fans, don’t miss this collection. I hope you have as much fun as I did!
Thanks for reading!
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