To kick off the month, we went on a tiki boat in Lake Winnipesaukee for our friend Jon’s birthday celebration! This was a BLAST! It was literally a little tiki bar that floats along as the captain steers us around the lake. I can’t wait to do this again soon, but we have to request the same captain. He was amazing.

On the 17th, we officially went back to the office for the first time since March of last year. I knew it was going to be quite the adjustment. I tried to be as gentle and patient with myself as I got back into the swing of things. There were a few nights where I was in bed by 8pm, I broke out in a bizarre rash all over my arms, neck and chest that I’m thinking may have been stress related, and I also got a doozy of a migraine one night… But overall, it went really well. I have a new cubicle office, so it’s nice to have a bit of privacy after working in an open space area for the last three years, and it’s so nice to see everyone!
Speaking of the first day back in office… I was late for the first two days as I had to go to two of my appointments with specialists. I saw a new endocrinologist, which I have very high hopes for, and a rheumatologist. They both ordered bloodwork. The rheumatology bloodwork I was able to go do that same morning and that all came back fine! So good news there! For the thyroid bloodwork, I had to go ten days without taking any medication or supplements. That was really difficult. Especially where I had the crazy itchy rash and couldn’t take a Benadryl. I did cave and take one Tylenol for the migraine (and very surprisingly, that paired with a quick nap did the trick with the pain!), so I hope that didn’t totally screw things up.
Let’s dive in to the rest of my recap!
My Reading Breakdown for June:
- 5 Stars
- 4 Stars
- 3 Stars
Monthly Musings
Haunted, Season 1 | Horror Series | 2018 | Netflix – Five Stars
This show is SO eerie. Based on tales that people share about their pasts, there are some seriously terrifying things included here.
Love Death Robots | Sci-Fi Series | 2019 | Netflix – Three Stars
This series is bizarre. I’m not quite sure what I think of it yet. This collection covered animated short stories from a wide variety of genres and in various art styles. I do love the creativity of it!
Jennifer’s Body | Horror Comedy Film | 2009 | Hulu – Four Stars
I can’t believe I hadn’t watched this before! This was SO FUN! Megan Fox crushed it.
The Reckoning | Horror Film | 2021 | Shudder | – DNF
This was so bad. I hate sharing negativity, but my god this was a mess. The main character has SO MUCH MAKEUP ON and it didn’t make any sense for the setting. We were so bored watching this and it just got worse. We finally bailed.
Inside | Comedy(ish) Show | 2021 | Netflix – Two Stars
I LOVE Bo Burnham, but this was not for me at all. I would be interested to see therapists takes on what was covered here. I know Bo struggles with his mental health, but rather than starting a good dialogue about it, this felt super off to me. Watching it also put me in a really bad headspace. So please be careful if you choose to watch it. I will say, I love how all of his specials are linked! What a cool element!!
Make Happy | Comedy | 2016 | Netflix – Four Stars
After watching Inside, we immediately started Make Happy to have a laugh. There are some gem jokes in here that I absolutely love.
What. | Comedy | 2013 | Netflix – Four Stars
Then of course, we had to finish this watch off with the early Netflix special that was available. Crazy to see how Bo’s work has grown from here.
Trese | Horror Anime | Netflix Series – Three Stars
This is fun! I haven’t read the comics, but I’m enjoying the show. I love the spookiness and grit. I was unfortunately multi-tasking while watching though, so I may need to return to this again later.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 | 2017 Film| Disney+ – Four Stars
Not my fave but I gotta say this was MUCH better the second time around!!
The Amusement Park | 2019 Remastered Film | Shudder – Two Stars
Oofh. This one will break your heart. The camera work unfortunately made me super motion sick so I could only half watch. But I loved the overall loop of this!
Sonic the Hedgehog | 2020 Film – Four Stars
I really enjoyed this! I was laughing so hard at a lot of it. And it sure tugs on the heartstrings. This is definitely one I’ll be rewatching!
Stake Land | 2010 Horror Film | Shudder – Five Stars
Oh my goodness, I stumbled across this one one night looking for something to kick me out of a nasty mood. This did the trick! I loved this! From the first tense scene… I was hooked. I loved the heartbreaking flow of this story. The characters were great! I love Connor Paolo, so I was so excited he was the lead!
The Stakelander | 2016 Horror Film | Shudder – Five Stars
Phew this one started with a bang just like the first! It had some similar elements to the first, but I loved them just as much. These poor two just can’t catch a break…
LOKI | Marvel Series | 2021 | Disney + – Five Stars
Blood Vessel | 2019 Horror Film | Shudder – Four Stars
This was so eerie! From the start, we meet a crew that is floating along on a raft after their ship went down. It’s a mix of people that were traveling after WWII ended. When they see a ship approach, they are concerned that no one is looking over the edge at them. They manage to get on the ship, thinking they will be safe there, but they are very wrong. They’re about to find that there’s something very wrong on this ship. I had so much fun watching this! There were a few jump scares that totally got me, the pacing was excellent, and I LOVED the ending.
The Patriot | 2000 Film – Four Stars
My husband had been asking me to watch this with him for years. We finally had time to sit down and watch. I realized I must have at least seen some of this one ages ago because I recognized some of the scenes. My goodness this is such a great movie. It’s got so many highs and lows….
Face/Off | 1997 Action Film | Netflix – Four Stars
HOW DID IT TAKE ME SO LONG TO WATCH THIS?! I freaking loved this. Nicholas Cage crushed this role, but John Travolta did an awesome job as well. They both did really well pretending to be each other!
Sweet Tooth Season One | 2021 Netflix Series – Five Stars
This was wonderful! We went into this one not knowing anything about it. I loved these characters so much. I can’t wait to see what happens next!
The Avengers | 2012 Film | Disney+ – Five Stars
Another rewatch! I love this one so much!!
Nothing this month 🙁
Loads of seltzer water! It’s been HOT in New Hampshire and we were dealing with our busted AC, which we ended up having to completely replace… so that was out of commission during the heatwave. I’m SO bad in the heat so I struggled a lot.
Listening to:
Laurie of Bark At The Ghouls put Come Join Us By The Fire: Season 1 on my radar. I had SO much fun listening to these short stories!
I’ve been HOOKED on Magnolia Park. They have such a fun sound. These two songs specifically have been on repeat for me:
In the bookish community:
I was SO disconnected this month as I struggled with all my medical and work stuff. I’m hoping to catch up on blog hopping this month!
Monthly bookish related haul:
I was gifted a few ebooks this month! I’m so grateful and can’t wait to dive into them! 🙂
My favorite bookish photos this month:

In case you missed it:
Looking forward to:
July is my birthday month! While I’ve never been a huge fan of birthdays in general as I don’t like being the center of attention, I have been trying to do something for the first seven days of the month leading up to my birthday on the 7th for the last few years. I heard about this idea fromVictoria Schwab who makes a point to do that each year for herself. I’m very excited to say that while it’s been CRAZY at work this week, today I kicked off birthday week by treating myself to trying a few cookies I had never tired before that were delicious!
Soon, I have a hair appointment for the first time in a very long time. I’m looking forward to freshening up my look a bit! I’m also hoping to add some blue streaks!
This month I will also be traveling to Colorado for work. The work trip itself is stressing me out a bit, but I know I will be fine once we’re out there and get used to the altitude. I cannot wait to see my members again!
To make the most of the trip, a couple of my coworkers/friends and I will be staying out there for a couple extra days and we have a jam-packed agenda! I can’t wait. It’s going to be so nice to be out there for a little girls trip.
I’m also anxiously awaiting news that my new nephew may have arrived! <3 I’m betting now that he will arrive when I’m out of state or the very day before I leave. That’s what happened when my niece arrived!
Then to close out the month, I will be heading to my soon-to-be sister-in-law’s bachelorette party. I’m so excited to celebrate with her as we get ready to officially welcome her to the family!
Thanks for reading!
July is my birthday month too! Happy early birthday, Erica!
I’ve just started in on Sweet Tooth and I’m enjoying it too. I might have to try the comic that it’s based on some day. 🙂
Wahoo!!! Happy early birthday to you as well! 🙂 I want to try the comic too!!
I haven’t had a hair appointment since before COVID. Definitely need to check that off the list soon! Hope you have a happy birthday!
Thank you! <3 I hope your future hair appointment goes well! 🙂
Happy Birthday Month! I love that you are celebrating more, even if it’s just the little things. I hope your work trip goes well, and that’s good you are getting adjusted to being BACK at work! My sister used to travel a lot for work, and I know she misses it so hopefully that will start up somewhat for her soon. I haven’t watched Bo Burnham’s newest, but good to know it might be a bit hard to watch.
<3 Yes, definitely be careful with it! I've heard a lot of friends that LOVED it, but a few also reacted the same way I did.