You’re Mine by Somer Canon is a story that everyone needs to visit twice at a minimum. Already a chilling story about jealousy, possessiveness, and the quest for control, I was so pleased to find that it is even more potent in the audio version. Narrated by the amazing Clare Radix, literally hearing a lot of the dialogue that the author wrote is absolutely blood-boiling!
Content warnings: manipulative relationships, drug use, being drugged, and suicide.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on the Audiobook of You’re Mine by Somer Canon, Narrated by Clare Radix –
My gosh, I was so excited to be diving back into this tale as it has been a while since I first read the book. Thanks to French Press and Buzz Book Expo, I won a free copy of the ebook. The minute the email with the link arrived in my inbox, I downloaded the book and started listening.
One of my first thoughts upon hitting play was how much I had missed this friend group! But shortly after, I was thrown off by the first appearance of Raber. The way that the narrator read his dialogue was perfect. Of course, this element was noted in the book, so I should have expected it. But wow, having experienced the tale already and knowing exactly who this guy was, hearing his words spoken like that was infuriating! This only gets much worse as the tale goes on and who he is comes to light. Toward the end, I was ready to throw my phone against a rock, pretending it was this character’s face.
Yet again, I was shocked by how similar my past experience with exes was with Raber… Of course, not the occult and things toward the end of the book, that would be wild! But the anger, the need for absolute control, the guilt trips, the determination to be together forever, the “I still love you“‘s, and the drug use… All so spot on. Even the way he speaks to Ioni at times brought back memories of extremely similar conversations from my past. Yuck.
When I first reviewed the book, I said:
I haven’t had a physical reaction like this caused by a book in a long time. I was a bit creeped out at some of the situations the main character was faced with and how the manipulation mirrored things I have gone through in the past while dating exes… It was triggering for me in the best ways. Not only did it show me how far I’ve come personally since going through some stuff, it also acted as a bit of a therapeutic read. I know that all sounds a bit silly, but the realness of the relationship the author created here really hit home for me.
I definitely still agree with those notes! This time around, these elements made me want to rage, but I wasn’t struggling at all with the memories this time around. In fact, a few times I actually laughed at how ridiculous the situation was knowing that I was lucky and had gotten to the other side of similar ones. I’ve finally excused little me for getting into situations like that and not knowing any better at the time! Therapy works, folks! 🙂
On the flip side of all of that, hearing Ioni speak, especially toward the end of the book when she finally stands up for herself in the most beautifully calm way, was so cool to sit back and listen to! I wanted to jump up and down for her, seeing her finally see the situation for what it was. Of course… as this is a horror book, that doesn’t last long.
Ugh! I just love this story so much!
My Final Thoughts on the Audiobook of You’re Mine by Somer Canon, Narrated by Clare Radix –
I will shout from the rooftops about this story. Not only will it totally suck you in with the amazing writing and the overall plot, but it is also such a great book with many lessons packed in. I really wish I had this book when I was in high school.
I’ll say again – For horror fans who enjoy dark tales with sexy scenes that are more romantic than anything else (except for the few that weren’t, yikes), this is a must-read! Just prepare yourself, this story will stick in your mind!
Thanks for reading!
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